Sunday, April 15, 2018

Sad Goodbyes

I just left my job after 4+ years, while it is sad to say goodbye to so many good friends, I am excited to start the next chapter in my career at a new company.  It should come as no surprise that many people gave me candy as going-away gifts.  I am smiling just thinking about it, my friends know me so well and know that nothing makes me happier than something sweet!

As I sit here on a snowy Sunday afternoon in April (yes, snowy, we have had over a foot of snow this weekend) I started thinking about candy that we have said goodbye to over the years. So, just like during all award shows the following is my “In Memoriam” list of discontinued favorites (in no particular order)  – cue music…. 

Feel free to add your favorites as well!
  • Snaps
  • Red Hot Dollars (accept no substitutes)
  • Chuckles (not quite extinct, but hard to find)
  • Snirkles
  • Brach’s Kentucky Mints
  • Candy lipstick (accept no substitutes)
  • SevenUp Candy Bar (though apparently re-released as a Sky Bar)
  • Neccos (see my post from August 16, 2011)
  • Beemans chewing gum