Tuesday, March 13, 2012

What Flavor is Pink?

My favorite candy season is upon us - actually it started the day after Valentine's day - Easter candy!!!  I need to devote a whole post to Easter candy, and will soon, but today, while enjoying a few "classic" Brach's jelly beans at work, I asked myself "what flavor is pink?" I love pink (and white, for that matter) jelly beans, but pink is not an easy color to discern like the red, green, orange or yellow ones are.  So naturally I Googled the question.

I was suprised by the number of other inquiring minds out there asking the same question (including the additional question what flavor is white?).  Unfortunately, these were not of much help because they were focusing on Jelly Belly's and as you know, Jelly Belly has colored diagrams and flavor charts, so that was of no help.  So I decided to go to the source itself - Brach's website (yes, I know, DUH!!). 

Here is the answer:  Pink = strawberry and White = pineapple

I guess when you see it in writing it is a bit easier to identify the flavors, though the pineapple flavor was a surprise!  I admit, however, I am still a bit perplexed over pink!

There you go!   I don't know about you, but I feel a lot better now!!


  1. Thank you so much, I am a Pink and White JellyBean lover too, and have often wondered what flavor they are. My searches on Google left me frustrated until now, when I stumbled across your post. Luv you for posting this!

  2. Awesome..
    White one definitely pineapple
    Pink strawberry is not as prominent a taste..but I can live with it.

  3. I always thought that pink jelly beans tasted like the bubbles from"Mr Bubble" (the powdered kind).Yes,I ate the bubbles when l was little. I still love pink jelly beans!Well, think about it.

  4. Tea Berry - cotton candy?
    Not sure but I clean then out by color 😎
    The rest are for my kids 😜

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I was just searching for what flavor is pink. Very light in the strawberry flavor. If I were Brach maybe I'd say it is cotton candy.
