Thursday, December 6, 2012

Holiday Cheer!!

Wow, I can’t believe the holidays are already upon us.  What a great time of year – time spent with family and friends, good will among all, presents, blah, blah, blah!! Who am I kidding – for me near top of the list (I can’t say THE top of the list without wreaking havoc from my family) is Christmas candy and holiday goodies!  If you know me at all, you know I have already bought one (or two) bags of my favorite peppermint Christmas nougats, a box of ribbon candy (oh, if only it was available year round), holiday spice drops, as well as the perennial chocolate – anything!! Go to Candyland – they have a great assortment of holiday candy, including holiday salt water taffy! Best time of the year for certain!

In addition, I usually make one or two batches of “Mrs. Budge’s Fudge” to share with family and friends.  But this year my two biggest fans of my fudge (my dad who passed away earlier this year and my brother Tim who is not coming home for Christmas - again!) aren’t going to be with us, so I don’t know if I am actually up for it.  Instead I’m thinking of making popcorn balls!  I love popcorn.  In fact, when I make popcorn it is like an art form – each batch must have just the right amount of burnt pieces (yes, burnt pieces, I love burnt popcorn). But popcorn balls are actually tough to get just right – if you heat syrup too long the popcorn balls become rock hard and basically inedible!  So, this year I am going to dig out my old Betty Crocker cookbook (the one in inherited from my grandmother), find the recipe we used as kids and make a batch or two. No highfalutin high-end, gourmet popcorn balls for me, just the good old fashioned ones! So this year, if you find a bowl full of popcorn balls, I promise they will be edible and made with love (with no burnt pieces – I’ll keep those for myself)!  Happy Holidays Everyone!!

Monday, September 3, 2012

My New Obsession

 Yes, I have many.  But every now and then something new jumps out at you, smacks you in the face and says I am wonderful – try me!!!  My latest favorite indulgence -  chocolate covered caramels with sea salt!  There is something special about the sweet creamy chocolate with the chewy caramel combined with just a hint of sea salt.  The kind that makes your insides melt just thinking about it.

But with every true obsession comes with finding the best source.  I first came across these wonderful caramels at a small candy shop in Minneapolis.  Then I found a brand (see photo) at Kowalski’s which contains both milk chocolate and dark chocolate.  My kids will tell you I hate Kowalski’s – I dislike their uppity attitude, their high prices, and lack of sales.  But, I admit I do love their mini-cinnamon morning rolls (you HAVE to try them).  So I started shopping there more regularly (I bring along my crabby attitude toward them on each trip however).  Then I discovered they have this fabulous selection of chocolate.  (Yes, slightly less crabby now as a result).  Nevertheless, I am seeking alternative sources for my new addiction.  I hear Trader Joe’s has them, but come on when is the last time you have been able to easily park at any Trader Joe’s?  So, if you happen to come across them elsewhere, please be sure to let me know.  And, if you haven’t stumbled across these yet, you absolutely have to try them! They are to die for!!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Circus Peanuts!!!!

People either love them or hate them.  I for one love them!   Not sure why.  They taste kind of funny (my research indicated that they are banana flavored – go figure!), the texture is downright strange, but all the same, just the name conjures up great memories and happy feelings!

The name alone sparks excitement – who doesn’t love a circus? But for me it is pure and simple a summer time candy.  Summer tends to bring big families together.  As kid growing up in the suburbs when school let out for the summer you lost touch with your school friends, and were forced to hang with your siblings.  As one of seven kids we were never without a playmate.  This was especially true when we would go to the lake.  Suddenly we were all best friends.  We would spend hours together, whether swimming, playing cards in the boat house, playing hide and seek at night, ganging up on our parents to take us somewhere or another, and of course going to the candy store.  As best friends, it was also a time of sharing with each other – and for my sister, Kathy, and I it was sharing a bag of Circus Peanuts together.  I’m not even sure I remember why we chose Circus Peanuts as one of staple candies, perhaps it was because of our Grandfather Curry or because the Candy Store had them, it doesn’t really matter.  They simply are one of those nostalgic candies from my past and as such makes me incredibly happy! So I love Circus Peanuts for the memory of my childhood, for spending time with my brothers and sisters and enjoying our time together.

Fast forward to the present day – our dad passed away a month ago. Something so sad was made quite special as I watched the seven of us band together to help our mom through the funeral planning, the mass, and picking up all the pieces after someone dies.  We may not see each other every day, and several of us live out of state, but you know, we are still a family, we have a history together that we share with no one but us, memories that don’t fade because when we are together they bubble up and explode in joyful abandon around us! 

Back to Circus Peanuts for a bit – did you know that in 1963, General Mill’s vice president John Holahan stumbled upon a discovery that putting Circus Peanuts shavings in his breakfast cereal made for a tasty combination, thus invented the breakfast cereal Lucky Charms?  Did you know my Dad worked at General Mill’s?  Also, did you know that back in the 1800’s when Circus Peanuts were first on the market they were only a summertime candy (due to a lack of packaging to preserve the candy)?   Didn’t I say they were a summertime candy for me?  Coincidence?  I think not!!  No matter, they are still quite simply one of my favorite candies (I bought two bags as research in writing this post – the first bag I ended up sharing with others, but the second bag, well let’s just say I kept it well hidden so no sharing was involved!).

Go buy yourself a bag today.  I challenge you not to love these sweet, silly, orange colored, banana-flavored, peanut-shaped treats!!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Simple Pleasures!

Life is full of simple pleasures; simple things that make you smile or warms your heart.  I would rather have a million simple pleasures than a million dollars any day because that is what forms who we are, how we feel and keeps us alive. 

I stocked up on Jelly Belly’s yesterday.  I haven’t bought them for a while (obviously) because the stores were stocked full of the once-a-year jelly beans.  I needed to have a supply in my purse for when I am on the road (going to Texas for a week).  The best thing about Jelly Belly’s is that you never know what flavor you will be biting into.  As I was driving home from the store I opened the bag and pulled out a small handful  - the first flavor: tangerine!  I immediately smiled and just felt so good inside.  Who would have thought that something so simple would make me feel so happy!

Likewise, and I know this is so obvious, but chocolate and red wine is a fabulous combination.  I was enjoying a nice glass of cabernet sauvignon and pulled out my favorite Lindt milk chocolate truffles.  I bit into the truffle then took a sip of wine and BAM!!! it was a flavor explosion in my mouth.  Suddenly I could taste the fruity undertones of the wine  - wow, I was in heaven!  Strangely enough without the chocolate the wine wasn’t nearly as good.  From now on wine will always be consumed with chocolate!!  Again, this was something so simple, yet so delightful that just thinking about it makes me I smile over the thought of it!

Simple pleasures aren’t just sweets they are those everyday little things that make you feel good about the world.  For me they include listening to Colleen sing (all is right in the world when my baby sings – it is a fact); hearing the birds sing outside my window; a dog’s thumping tail when they see you walk in the room (Otto, my boy I miss you); when Steve says or does something that makes me laugh – one of those giggles that start way deep in your belly and explodes out of your mouth; that feeling you get when you get under the covers at night, all snuggly and warm; the sun on my face; that first swig of Coke as it burns down your throat; dancing (even if at times only the remembrance of it); helping my clients succeed; reading a good book….I could go on and on. 

I highly recommend looking for, acknowledging, reveling in, and enjoying simple pleasures every day.  What are your favorite simple pleasures?

Sunday, April 8, 2012

By Gum!!

I woke up the other morning and uttered “By Gum, I’m going to do it!”  After the words came out of my mouth I shook my head, laughed and said “by gum” where on earth did that come from!!  (Yes, I find myself very entertaining).  “By gum” for those that don’t know is a phrase from northern England, mostly archaic outside that area, and means something like “By God.” 

But it got me thinking about gum, naturally.  It is funny, I’m not a big gum fan.  I was taught by my Grandmother Kennedy that chewing gum was not lady-like, thus it was frowned upon.  Also, it is stereotypical (at least in the movies) that women who chew gum aren’t very smart, so more the reason not to, right?  But sometimes, just sometimes, it feels damn good to chew up a storm, and if you are lucky, open a piece of Bazooka bubble gum, read the invariably stupid joke that appears inside the wrapper and see who can blow the biggest bubble!

Actually starting tomorrow I am going to try to cut down on my sugar intake. It is true!  Easter season is behind us, and although I still have several bags of jelly beans and chocolate eggs stashed away, I need to get back on track and temper this habit of mine a bit.  But here is the problem, I love something sweet after a meal, it is going to take a lot willpower not to tear open something, anything.  I thought a way to control this would be to try sugarless gum as a way to get through that sweet craving.  So, if you see me and I am chewing on a piece of gum (you may need to look closely, I am a very demur gum chewer - old habits die hard), don’t think less of me, in fact, you should applaud my efforts for cutting back on my sugar!!  By Gum, I am going to do it!!

Friday, March 30, 2012

Let the Season Begin...

Let it begin – the best candy season of all!  The minute the box of Valentine chocolates are taken off the shelves, I start stalking the drug stores, Target, grocery stores, etc., waiting and watching for the season to begin!  You know it – I am talking about all the wonderful Easter candy.  I get quite giddy with excitement when I see the first bags of jelly beans nestled in the shelves waiting just for me! I admit it, I am an Easter candy junkie.   

The season is short so I permit this one little form of indulgence once a year, come on, I deserve it right?  I start with a bag of Brach’s spice jelly beans, then load up on the classic flavor, turn to Russell Stover’s pectin jelly beans, then back to the spice ones. And that is just the jelly beans, don’t forget about Cadbury’s mini-eggs, the marshmallow eggs, vanilla cream eggs, the list goes on and on.   

Nothing is off limits, and yes, I even will buy some Peeps. I tell myself they are an Easter tradition, every kid should have them in their Easter basket (that is correct, of course my children still get Easter baskets – well, some form of something stocked full of candy, I need at least an appearance that I am buying all this candy for someone other than myself, don’t I?). Back to Peeps, I but they every year, but my kids have completely eschewed them, refuse to tear back the cellophane, pull apart a Peep and lick the sugar off their fingers (hard to believe, but it is true).  But this year, this year, I am hoping the boys in their lives will exclaim with happiness “oh Mary, I love Peeps.”  Even if they don’t it is okay, I’ll let the Peeps rest in the back of a cupboard for a couple of months, then I’ll stumble across them, smile and tear them open. There is nothing quite as heavenly as a stale yellow sugared Peep!

Dear reader, I am sorry this post is so boring, nothing poetic, thought provoking or memorable – it is just a rambling about my obsession over Easter candy.  But you need to cut me some slack here, like I said the season is short, I need to enjoy it while it lasts! 

P.S.,  it isn’t quite as obsessive as it sounds, truly.  I have my limits. For example, when I open a bag of spice jelly beans I toss (or leave for Steve to eat, he isn’t fussy) all the gross colors (black, orange, and purple) and keep only the good ones.  I do have some self control!!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

What Flavor is Pink?

My favorite candy season is upon us - actually it started the day after Valentine's day - Easter candy!!!  I need to devote a whole post to Easter candy, and will soon, but today, while enjoying a few "classic" Brach's jelly beans at work, I asked myself "what flavor is pink?" I love pink (and white, for that matter) jelly beans, but pink is not an easy color to discern like the red, green, orange or yellow ones are.  So naturally I Googled the question.

I was suprised by the number of other inquiring minds out there asking the same question (including the additional question what flavor is white?).  Unfortunately, these were not of much help because they were focusing on Jelly Belly's and as you know, Jelly Belly has colored diagrams and flavor charts, so that was of no help.  So I decided to go to the source itself - Brach's website (yes, I know, DUH!!). 

Here is the answer:  Pink = strawberry and White = pineapple

I guess when you see it in writing it is a bit easier to identify the flavors, though the pineapple flavor was a surprise!  I admit, however, I am still a bit perplexed over pink!

There you go!   I don't know about you, but I feel a lot better now!!

Sunday, February 5, 2012


“There are as many forms of love as there are moments in time”
(Jane Austen – Mansfield Park)

I love this quote, I think it is quite true.  I love my husband, my children, my family, but I also love my friends, my pets, and sometimes even my job! Each type of love is different, but at the same time just as special and meaningful.  I savor and enjoy each form of love, it is truly what makes us whole. 

The same is true for my love affair with candy – I may love Coke and chocolate, but equally - yet differently love whatever is the flavor of the moment (currently, jelly bellys – naturally, as well as Hot Tamales and Nibs!).  But these forms of candy love couldn’t be more evident than at this time of year – Valentine’s Day!!

My dear sweet husband usually (hint, hint) buys me a candy heart full of chocolates for Valentine’s Day. Oh, I love those red heart shaped boxes (I don’t even care if they are quite gaudy, the more the merrier!). The anticipation of what is inside, opening the box and savoring that wonderful chocolate smell then closely, yet quickly examining each piece in its own little nest and picking that first piece.  To start I usually seek out the round milk chocolate ones first - coconut or vanilla cream (those are my all time favorites), then venture out to square  - the caramels, or toffee ones.  But yes, I reluctantly share my box of chocolates, I have to, I am a Mom, that is what we do.  But love should be shared, admired over and celebrated.  My box of chocolates is just that: a celebration of love - love of my husband, love of being a mom, and love of chocolate!