Sunday, April 8, 2012

By Gum!!

I woke up the other morning and uttered “By Gum, I’m going to do it!”  After the words came out of my mouth I shook my head, laughed and said “by gum” where on earth did that come from!!  (Yes, I find myself very entertaining).  “By gum” for those that don’t know is a phrase from northern England, mostly archaic outside that area, and means something like “By God.” 

But it got me thinking about gum, naturally.  It is funny, I’m not a big gum fan.  I was taught by my Grandmother Kennedy that chewing gum was not lady-like, thus it was frowned upon.  Also, it is stereotypical (at least in the movies) that women who chew gum aren’t very smart, so more the reason not to, right?  But sometimes, just sometimes, it feels damn good to chew up a storm, and if you are lucky, open a piece of Bazooka bubble gum, read the invariably stupid joke that appears inside the wrapper and see who can blow the biggest bubble!

Actually starting tomorrow I am going to try to cut down on my sugar intake. It is true!  Easter season is behind us, and although I still have several bags of jelly beans and chocolate eggs stashed away, I need to get back on track and temper this habit of mine a bit.  But here is the problem, I love something sweet after a meal, it is going to take a lot willpower not to tear open something, anything.  I thought a way to control this would be to try sugarless gum as a way to get through that sweet craving.  So, if you see me and I am chewing on a piece of gum (you may need to look closely, I am a very demur gum chewer - old habits die hard), don’t think less of me, in fact, you should applaud my efforts for cutting back on my sugar!!  By Gum, I am going to do it!!