Sunday, May 8, 2011


I am officially over the hill, there is no way around it – my children are grown, my skin is starting to sag, my peak earning years are behind me – yet I feel as young as ever, my spirit is youthful and spry, I am happy despite my waning years. Why? Because of my life long love affair with candy. It is true. Sweets have helped form who I am, people tell me I am sweet – but that isn’t the reason, candy makes me happy, gives me comfort at times when I am lost. It is home for me. As I get older I find myself indulging my sweet tooth without guilt, but yes, with moderation (depending on the time of year of course. More on that later). Recently I thought is there a pattern here? Why is candy so important to me? So I started to think back over my years, my formative years, my childbearing years, my workaholic years, to today and decided to write my memoirs, but with candy as the central theme. So here we go, grab a coke, a butterfinger or a bowl of jelly beans, sit back and enjoy!


  1. Cannot wait to read more!!!!!!! Xxoo!

  2. Finally, the truth comes out! As your older sister, and one who is addicted to popcorn and red wine, I can totally understand your journey! Can't wait to travel along with you!
