Monday, September 2, 2013

All in a Name

As humans we tend to indulge ourselves from time to time.  Be it alcohol, ice cream, comfort food or candy.  Whether it is to drown our sorrows, cope with whatever is going on in our lives or a way to relieve negative energy and increase positive feelings.  When we feel sad we turn to what gives us comfort and likewise when we are feeling happy we may celebrate with a drink, birthday cake, etc. 

When I am feeling blue or not quite on my game I often turn to candy to make me feel better.  It is a way to cope and to cheer myself up.  I still practice moderation, but it usually lifts my spirits and life seems a bit brighter. 

I don’t think it is a coincidence that one of my favorite “feeling blue” pick me ups are Chuckles – you know – the sugar coated jelly candies in five different flavors.  The name itself makes you smile.  And that by itself truly is a step in the right direction!  My research didn’t reveal why they are called Chuckles, except I learned the inventor’s wife came up with the name.  Okay, whatever! 

Each package contains five pieces of candy always in the following order: cherry, lemon, licorice, orange and lime.  But just because they come in that order doesn’t mean you must enjoy them that way.  I think anyone who has eaten Chuckles before has their favorite flavor.  And as everyone knows, you always save the best for last, right?

I’m staring at a pack of Chuckles right now trying to decide which flavor I always save for last.  It comes down between cherry and licorice.  The cherry is sweet and happy whereas the licorice is a bit richer and darker.  So now I just realized the order I eat Chuckles is in direct correlation to my mood!!  Wow, who would have figured that?  I am going to have a chuckle over that right now (literally and figuratively!).  And today, I suspect cherry will be the last one standing.

1 comment:

  1. Mary, your post made me chuckle! I think I agree the cherry is happy and lemon is a pick me up!
